viernes, 15 de enero de 2010

A Sudden Urge For Passion

(Después me di cuenta que ese título sonaba a novela soft-porn para menopáusicas.)

"Oh God, they go apeshit over bubbles. I mean, that's an incredible thing about a child. What's so great about bubbles? I wish I liked anything as much as my kids like bubbles. It's totally sad; their smiling faces point out your inability to enjoy anything." (Pete [Paul Rudd], Knocked Up)

I feel you, dude.

Ph: Hedi Slimane
Hay muchas cosas que me gustan pero, en momentos críticos (o que aparentan serlo), noto la falta de algo que me apasione, que me haga "go apeshit over". Debe haber algo, pero shitty times can be blinding, no? Kinda like beer goggles, only a lot less fun.

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